Boötes void, the emptiest place in the Universe

I’ve been reading my little one’s “How it works” magazine and have learned about the Boötes void, the emptiest place in the Universe. Isn’t it amazing how enormous and empty this place is? Apparently scientists estimate that up to 60% of the universe is comprised of voids. It is empty out there!

Here is a practice. If you feel lonely or anxious, imagine standing (or floating) in the middle of the Boötes void. Imagine being the Boötes void. Feel it. Feel the big empty. How does it feel? Do you feel alone, silent and at peace? Do you feel scared, bored and empty? The trick with emptiness is how you see it – the universe half empty or half full…

When you get back to your life, it will not seem too bad.

About nomadoftheuniverse

Nomad of the Universe, nobody special, Buddhist, student of Ram Dass. I write about happiness, meaning and spirituality. My book on Love Addiction is out on Amazon now.
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5 Responses to Boötes void, the emptiest place in the Universe

  1. I think bootes void sounds the ideal place to go off grid. Who needs Alaska or Patagonia? How do I get there?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Roy says:

    I thought the emptiest place in the Universe was D.Trump’s head!


  3. Roy says:

    Or is that the densest?

    Liked by 1 person

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