The importance of feeling joy and feeling alive #happiness


Perhaps you are a new parent and it seems that the Groundhog’s day will never stop. Maybe you are not happy with where you are and it seems that there is no alternative. Maybe you, like me, wake up one day and realise that you were so busy with this whole adult thing, being a parent, bringing income, running a household that you found yourself stuck in a rut, bored out of your mind and it’s been years since you last truly experienced joy.

Joy, feeling alive – this amazing feeling of being wide open to the Universe. I looked at joy in my life and though I appreciate its sources are different now than 10-20 years ago, it’s still important to have and maximise it. I invite you to do the same – take stock. When was the last time you felt truly alive and full of joy of living? What can you do differently, what do you need to reconnect with to bring more joy into your life?

About nomadoftheuniverse

Nomad of the Universe, nobody special, Buddhist, student of Ram Dass. I write about happiness, meaning and spirituality. My book on Love Addiction is out on Amazon now.
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12 Responses to The importance of feeling joy and feeling alive #happiness

  1. Hi. Hello. I just started my new blog, and obviously, I’m having a hard time editing my page, I am new to all these stuff so I hope that you can show me the ropes, and hopefully, I’ll get the hang of it, I read all your recent blogs and I gotta say, you are one hell of a writer, and that really amazes me because, I am an aspiring writer as well, I am not that good but I am learning everyday, and I would really like it if people would share how they think of my writings, or to be able to have an audience and make people appreciate that it’s okay to be weird and different. I hope that we can be friends and learn from each other. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. bearly says:

    First piece of action: Stop chasing the green and material possessions. Once you have the essentials (food, clothes, and a place to stay) non-material things become more important for your happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I just came across this post in researching a similar post for my own blog ( and I love how you described how early parenting tends to bury our joy in the responsibilities of adult life with young children. So true. As this is an older post, I hope you have found ways to feel alive, and joy, in your days. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lolkin says:

      Hey, thanks for dropping by and your comment! Parenting is a never ending project πŸ˜‰ I think almost everyone feels the same in the first 3-5 years. As for joy and aliveness, I am microdosing so to speak but also as I discover more of who I am and what my values are, overcome my fears and others’ expectations, these two seem to happen on their own as a bi product.


  4. Pingback: Consciously Feeling Alive - A More Conscious Life

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